
在珠穆朗玛峰西藏一侧靠近大本营的 5200 英尺处,有一座非常小的寺庙。这是世界上海拔最高的寺庙。大多数游客在游览了附近的观景点观赏珠峰后,都会回到我们大本营的黑帐篷里,与这座寺庙擦肩而过。 

A fellow-traveler and I decided to stop at the monastery.  I climbed the stairs and sat for a while in some of the caves. Though no monastic was present, the burning of candles and incense, the statues and Tibetan scriptures indicated a few were surely here from time to time. 

Going outside again, we came to the place where  sky burials  were performed, surrounded by hundreds of colorful prayer flags. Apart from a slight breeze, it was utterly silent. My heart and mind also turned quiet. My friend stood some thirty meters away, on the other side of the rocky area where a body would be laid down. A few seconds later our eyes met, and without any words, we each simply knew we had experienced something similar — feeling no need to speak or go anywhere, calm and fully present with the mountains, the breeze, the clean air and the silence. My mind opened to the vastness while my heart embraced the interconnectedness and I felt every single breath. 



We all experience moments of wonder and awe, in our seemingly ordinary daily life and when we encounter something not sensed before. While we have been preparing the ground for Be Wise Go Kind: Awaken AweMitra Mark pointed out there is an inspiring and hopeful quality of awe. Yet, we also know we need to let go of the experience. And if we want them to be really meaningful, we need to do some serious inquiry about how our personal connection with wonder and awe can lead to a path, a practice, and adopt methods to open further towards a greater awareness – enabling us to feel life through all our sense, find contentment and cultivate kinder communities in today’s world. 


ཀརྨ་འོད་སྲུང་། (Karma Ösung)
